Double Ministries

Brown-Dorion; Hincks-Morin; La Fontaine-Baldwin;

Macdonald-Cartier; Macdonald-Dorion; Macdonald-Sicotte; MacNab-Morin;

MacNab-Tache; Sherwood-Daly; Tache-Macdonald. See under names of

individual ministers.

"=Double Shuffle=," 1858. (George Brown Era) History of, 107-108. (Sir John A Macdonald era) An ingenious

device resorted to by Macdonald, Cartier, and their colleagues, to avoid

the necessity of re-election, 85-87. =Bib.=: Pope, Memoirs of Sir John

A. Macdonald; Dent, Last Forty Years; Mackenzie, George Brown;

Biggar, Sir Oliver Mowat.

