Clergy Reserves

(Sir John A Macdonald era) Question embitters public life of Upper Canada,

13, 28; nature and history of the dispute, 55-62; secularization of,

carried out by MacNab-Morin coalition ministry, 63; Macdonald introduces

bill, Oct. 17, 1854, 65; bill passed by Assembly, November 23, and by

Legislative Council, Dec. 10, 65; provisions of the bill, 65-66. (John Graves Simcoe era)

Created by Constitutional Act, 12, 156. (Lord Dorchester e
a) Created by Constitutional

Act, 267. (Lord Sydenham era) Designed for support of state church, 77; treatment of,

in Durham's report, 93; conflict over, 238-244; Sydenham's plan for

settlement of questions, 245-246; attitude of Reform party respecting,

246; bill recommended by governor passed and sent home for approval,

248; question settled by Imperial Parliament, 249. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Set apart by

Constitutional Act, 1791, 42; William Morris's connection with, 83; and

Upper Canada College, 192; and Ryerson, 240; pressing for settlement,

339; secularization of, advocated by Clear Grits, 342; history of

question, 343-349. (George Brown Era) Tache advises French-Canadians to oppose

secularization of, 48; history of question, 51-60. (Egerton Ryerson era) Ryerson enters

the controversy, 19, 26-27; endowment of established church provided

for, in Act of 1791, 34-35; influence of John Strachan, 36-37;

dominance of Church of England party, 38-40; extent and value of the

Reserves, 47; question comes up in Legislature, 47; claims of Church of

Scotland, 48-49; petition and claims referred to select committee of

British House of Commons, 1827, 50; Ryerson proposes sale and

appropriation of proceeds to general educational purposes, 115; Sir

George Arthur proposes division among various religious bodies, 119;

Ryerson's attitude towards division, 119-120. (Lord Elgin era) Granted to Protestant

clergy by Constitutional Act, 1791,102; Baldwin's attitude towards,

102-103; La Fontaine's attitude towards, 102-103; Canadian Legislature

receives power to settle question, 119; settlement delayed, 126, 132;

secularization proposed by Sicotte, 126-127; secularization a condition

of MacNab-Morin coalitions, 140; history of the question, 145-169;

report of select committee, 147; Imperial Act passes, 158-159; its

repeal proposed by Price, 161; value of the Reserves, 161--162;

provincial Legislature given power to vary or repeal Union Act, and to

settle Clergy Reserves, on certain conditions, 167; bill introduced by

John A. Macdonald, finally settling question, 168; terms of bill, 168.

(William Lyon Mackenzie era) Created by Constitutional Act, 70; details of, 70; Durham on, 71;

Mackenzie's views on, 94-95; grievance report on, 72; Glenelg's

position, 283. =Bib.=: Lindsey, The Clergy Reserves; Hincks's Letters

in Montreal Herald, December, 1882; Dent, Last Forty Years;

Bradshaw, Self-Government in Canada; Ryerson, Story of my Life;

Bethune, Memoir of Bishop Strachan.

