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History of the Irish
Christie Alexander
(Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Chief factor, Hudson's Bay Company, and
later governor of Assiniboia, 222. =Bib.=: Ryerson, Story of my Life.
Christian Guardian
Christie David 1818-1880 Born In Edinburgh Scotland Educated At
(Samuel de Champlain era) Montagnais chief, sent on embassy to Iroquois, 163. ...
(Wilmot era) Judge of Supreme Court, New Brunswick, 8; one of Maine Boundary commissioners, 8. ...
Chipman Ward
(Wilmot era) Judge of Supreme Court, New Brunswick, 8; succeeds Saunders as chief justice, 74; resigns, 129. (Tilley era) Resigns as chief justice, 17. ...
Chippewa Indians
A large tribe, of Algonquian stock, formerly ranging along both shores of Lakes Huron and Superior, and westward as far as North Dakota. First mentioned in the Jesuit Relation of 1640, as living around Sault Ste. Marie. During the eighteenth century, ...
Chisholm G C
(Lord Sydenham era) Sergeant-at-arms of Legislative Assembly, 334. ...
Chittenden Thomas 1730-1797 First Governor Of Vermont 1778-1797
Choiseul Etienne-francois Duc De 1719-1785 Minister Of Foreign
affairs; signed the treaty of 1759 with Austria; minister of war, 1761. ...
Cholera Epidemic 1832 And 1834 Louis Joseph Papineau Era Imported By Immigrants 87
government blamed for neglect to provide quarantine, 88; committee formed to inquire into causes, etc., 88-89; one of the grievances in the Ninety-Two Resolutions, 89. See also Epidemics. ...
See Oswega. ...
Chouart Dit Des Groseilliers Medard
Born in France about 1621. Came to Canada, 1642. After serving the Jesuits for some years as a donne, or lay helper, engaged in the fur trade, and with his brother-in-law Radisson (q.v.) made extensive explorations in the West and North, 1659-1663. W...
Christian Doctrine Brothers Of The
(Bishop Laval era) Arrival of, in Canada, 125. ...
Christian Guardian
(Egerton Ryerson era) Founded at York (Toronto), 1829, 82; Egerton Ryerson, first editor, 82; exponent of Methodist views on religious, educational, and political questions, 82-83; its policy, 94-95; Ryerson's articles in, 96, 97, 98, 100, 109, 110, 1...
Christie Alexander
(Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Chief factor, Hudson's Bay Company, and later governor of Assiniboia, 222. =Bib.=: Ryerson, Story of my Life. ...
Christie David 1818-1880 Born In Edinburgh Scotland Educated At
Edinburgh High School. Came to Canada, 1833, and devoted himself to farming. Took a prominent part in politics as a leader of the Reformers. Sat for Wentworth in the Legislative Assembly, 1851-1854, and for East Brant, 1855-1858. Elected to the Legisl...
Christie Robert 1788-1856 Born In Nova Scotia Repeatedly Expelled
from the Assembly of Lower Canada; re-elected after the union, and held his seat until 1854. Contributed to Quebec Gazette and Mercury. ...
Newspaper, published at Halifax. =Index=: (Joseph Howe era) Published by Wm. Annand, 75; Joseph Howe contributes to, 90-93; letters of Howe in, on Irish question, 75; Jonathan McCully editor, 186; Howe's "Botheration Scheme" articles, 186; action for ...
Chronicle And Gazette
Newspaper published at Kingston. =Index=: (Lord Sydenham era) Praises Sydenham's policy, 351. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) On the debate on responsible government in the Legislature, 1841, 95; on Draper's speech, 27. (William Lyon Mackenzie era...
Chrystler's Farm
Battle in War of 1812-1814, fought Nov. 11th, 1813. The scene of the fight was near the head of the Long Sault Rapids, on the St. Lawrence. Morrison commanded the British troops, about 800 men, and Boyd the Americans, numbering 1800, increased during ...
(Count Frontenac era) Commandant of Fort Pemaquid, fires on Indians while under flag of truce, 331; killed, 332. ...
Newspaper published at Toronto. =Index=: (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Quoted on debate on responsible government in 1841, 90; on Bagot's letter to La Fontaine, 125; opposes Baldwin's University Bill, 197; on Rebellion Losses Bill, 319-320. (Ge...
Church Of England
The first Anglican church in what is now Canada was built at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1750, when Cornwallis was governor of the province. The first see was established in 1787. Dr. Charles Inglis as bishop of Nova Scotia had charge of the whole of Bri...
Churchill Fort
See Prince of Wales, Fort. ...
Churchill River
Rises in La Loche Lake, lat. 56 deg. 10' N., long. 109 deg. 40' W., and after a course of 1000 miles, empties into Hudson Bay. The mouth of the river was discovered by Munk, a Danish navigator, in 1619, but it was not until 1774 that its upper waters ...
Newspaper published at Ottawa. Established, 1844. =Index=: (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Newspaper, Mackenzie's obituary in, 517; urges monument to, 518. ...