Biencourt De Poutrincourt Jean De Baron De Saint Just 1557-1615

Had won distinction as a soldier in the service of France; and in 1604

sailed with De Monts and Champlain to Acadia. Was so charmed with Port

Royal that he determined to make it his home. De Monts made him a grant

of the lands about Annapolis Basin, which the king confirmed. Went back

to France and brought out his family to the new settlement. Accompanied

Champlain in his exploration of the Bay of Fundy. Jesuit missionaries
r /> were sent out to Port Royal, whom Poutrincourt, although a good Roman

Catholic, found far from congenial. Their relations became more and more

strained, and when Poutrincourt sailed to France in 1613, the Jesuits

succeeded in having him thrown into prison. Regained his liberty and

returned to Acadia, but found Port Royal in ashes. Returned to France

and fell in the attack on Mery. =Index=: (Samuel de Champlain era) Goes with De Monts to

Acadia, 19; lieutenant of De Monts at Port Royal, 34; joins Champlain in

exploration and erects crosses on coast (Massachusetts), 35; returns to

France, 37. =Bib.=: Parkman, Old Regime. See also Lescarbot;

Champlain; De Monts.

