
Provision was made by the Parliament of Canada, in 1872, for

an Archives Branch, and Douglas Brymner was appointed Dominion

Archivist. His first report appeared in 1873. The earlier reports were

of a preliminary nature, but in 1884 the first of the important series

of calendars was included in the report. Abbe Verreau made a special

report on historical material in Europe bearing on Canadian history,

published in 1874.
A report on manuscript material in the colonial

archives at Paris, by Edouard Richard, was published as a supplement to

the report for 1899. Dr. Brymner died in 1902, and Arthur G. Doughty was

appointed Dominion Archivist in 1904. The report for 1905, in 3 vols.,

represented a new departure; the publication of calendars was abandoned,

and replaced by volumes containing series of documents relating to

definite subjects, systematically arranged. The archives were moved into

a special building in 1907. In 1910 began the issue of a series of

publications, containing historical journals and other special material.

Provincial archives, of a more or less distinct character, have also

been established in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia,

British Columbia, Manitoba, and Alberta. =Index=: (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Quoted, 254;

Haldimand collection in, 319.

