Drake The Sea-king And The Spanish Treasure-ships

At the end of October, 1578, Sir Francis Drake, the Sea-King of Devon, as

he was called, and the most daring and persistent of the enemies of the

Spanish settlements in America, sailed from Cape Horn, at the southern

extremity of the continent, and steered northward into the great Pacific,

with the golden realm of Peru for his goal. A year before he had left the

harbor of Plymouth, England, with a fleet of five well-armed ships. Bu

these had been lost or left behind until only the "Golden Hind," a ship of

one hundred tons burden, was left, the flag-ship of the little squadron.

Of the one hundred and sixty men with whom he started only about sixty


The bold Drake had previously made himself terrible to the Spaniards of

Mexico and the West Indies, and had won treasure within sight of the walls

of Panama. Now for the first time the foot of a white man trod the barren

rocks of Cape Horn and the keel of an English ship cut the Pacific waves.

Here were treasure-laden Spanish galleons to take and rich Spanish cities

to raid, and the hearts of the adventurers were full of hope of a golden

harvest as they sailed north into that unknown sea.

Onward they sailed, nearing the scene of the famous adventures of Pizarro,

and about the 1st of December entered a harbor on the coast of Chili.

Before them, at no great distance, lay sloping hills on which sheep and

cattle were grazing and corn and potatoes growing. They landed to meet the

natives, who came to the shore and seemed delighted with the presents

which were given them. But soon afterwards Drake and a boatload of his

men, who had gone on shore to procure fresh water, were fiercely attacked

by ambushed Indians, and every man on board was wounded before they could

pull away. Even some of their oars were snatched from them by the Indians,

and Drake was wounded by an arrow in the cheek and struck by a stone on

the side of his face.


Furious at this unprovoked assault, the crew wished to attack the hostile

natives, but Drake refused to do so.

"No doubt the poor fellows take us for Spaniards," he said; "and we cannot

blame them for attacking any man from Spain."

Some days later a native fisherman was captured and brought on board the

ship. He was in a terrible fright, but was reassured when he learned that

his captors were not Spaniards, but belonged to a nation whose people did

not love Spain. He was highly pleased with a chopping-knife and a piece of

linen cloth that were given him, and was sent ashore, promising to induce

his people to sell some provisions to the ship's crew. He kept his word,

and a good supply of fowls and eggs and a fat hog were obtained.

With the boat came off an Indian chief, glad to see any white men who

hated the Spaniards as deeply as he did himself. He was well received and

served to the best the ship could afford. Then he said to his entertainer

in Spanish, a language he spoke fairly well,--

"If you are at war with the Spaniards, I will be glad to go with you, and

think I can be of much use to you. The city of Valparaiso lies not far

south of here, and in its harbor is a large galleon, nearly ready to sail

with a rich treasure. We should all like much to have you capture that


This was good news to Drake. The next day the "Golden Hind" turned its

prow down the coast under full sail, with the friendly native on board.

When Valparaiso was reached, Drake saw to his delight that his dusky pilot

had told the truth. There lay a great galleon, flying a Spanish flag. Not

dreaming of an enemy in those waters, the Spaniards were unsuspicious

until the "Golden Hind" had been laid alongside and its armed crew were

clambering over the bulwarks. The rich prize was captured almost without a


The crew secured, Drake searched for the expected treasure, and to his joy

found that she was laden with over one hundred and twenty thousand dollars

in gold coin, and with other costly goods, including about two thousand

jars of Chili wine. This rich plunder was transferred to the hold of the

"Golden Hind," and the Spanish ship left to her disconsolate captain and


After celebrating this victory with a gleeful feast, in which the rich

viands obtained were washed down freely with the captured wine, an armed

force was sent ashore to raid the town, whose people fled hurriedly to the

fields when they saw the hostile strangers approaching. In the deserted

houses and the church a fair supply of gold and silver spoil was found,

and what was equally welcome, an abundant addition to their scanty store

of provisions. Greatly the richer for her raid, the "Golden Hind" set sail

again up the coast, putting the native pilot ashore at the place where he

wished to land, and enriching him in a way that drew from him eager

protestations of joy and gratitude.

Good and bad fortune attended the adventurers in this voyage up the South

American coast. One of the examples of good fortune came at a place called

Tarapaza, where a boatload of men, who had gone ashore, came upon a

Spaniard lying fast asleep on the bank of a small stream. By his side, to

their surprise, were thirteen heavy bars of solid silver. The sleepy

treasure-bearer and his silver were speedily secured. Farther inland the

party met with another Spaniard and an Indian boy, who were driving some

sheep, with bulging bags upon their backs. On opening those they were

found also to contain silver bars. It was a joyous party that returned to

the "Golden Hind" with the treasure thus unexpectedly obtained, and it

began to look almost as if the country grew silver.

The next raid of the adventurers was at a place called Arica, a small

seaport town at the output of a beautiful and fertile valley. Here lay two

or three Spanish vessels which were quickly captured and searched for

goods of value. The town was not taken, for a native whom Drake met here

told him of a Spanish galleon, heavily laden with a valuable cargo, which

had recently passed up the coast. Here was better hope for spoil than in a

small coastwise town, and the "Golden Hind" was speedily under sail again.

"A great galleon is ahead of us," said Drake to his men. "I am told she is

richly laden. The first man of you who sets eyes on her will win my hearty

thanks and a heavy gold chain into the bargain."

It may well be imagined that the eyes of the sailors were kept wide open

in the days that followed. The man to win the golden chain was John Drake,

the admiral's brother, who rushed to him one morning, as he came on deck,

with the glad tidings,--

"Yonder is the galleon!"

He pointed to the far northern horizon, where the sails of a great ship

were just becoming visible through the morning haze. "Make all sail!" was

the cry, and the English cruiser glided swiftly forward before the fresh

breeze towards the slow-moving Spanish ship.

Not dreaming of such an unlikely thing as an English ship in those waters,

as yet never broken except by a Spanish keel, the captain of the galleon

took the stranger for a craft of his own nation, and shortened sail as the

"Golden Hind" came up, signalling for its officers to come on board. Drake

did so, with a strong body of armed sailors, and when the Spanish captain

learned his mistake it was too late to resist. The crew of the galleon

were put under hatches, and her cargo, which proved to be rich in gold and

silver, was quickly transferred to the "Golden Hind." Then captain and

crew of the galleon were put ashore, and the captured ship was set adrift,

to try her chances without pilot or helmsman in those perilous seas. The

next storm probably made her a grave in the breakers.

Great had been the spoil gathered by the English rovers, a rich wealth of

treasure being within the coffers of the "Golden Hind," while she was

abundantly supplied with provisions. Drake now thought of returning home

with the riches he had won for himself and his comrades. But the port of

Lima, Pizarro's capital, lay not far up the coast, and here he hoped for a

rich addition to his spoil. Though satisfied that a messenger had been

sent from Valparaiso to warn the people of the presence of an armed

English ship on the coast, he had no doubt of reaching Lima in advance of

news brought overland.

On reaching the port of Lima a number of Spanish vessels were found, and,

their captains being unsuspicious, were easily taken. But they contained

no cargoes worth the capture. Lima lay several miles inland from the port,

and the governor, on hearing of these depredations, imagined that the

stranger must be a Spanish vessel that had fallen into the hands of

pirates and was on a freebooting cruise. While he was making preparations

for her capture the messenger from Valparaiso arrived and told him the

real character of the unwelcome visitor.

This news spurred the governor to increased exertions. An armed English

war-ship on their coast was a foe more to be dreaded than a pirate, and

the wealth it had taken at Valparaiso was amply worth recapture. With all

haste the governor got together a force of two thousand men, horse and

foot, and at their head hurried to the port. There in the offing was the

dangerous rover, lying motionless in a calm, and offering a promising

chance for capture.

Hastily getting ready two Spanish ships and manning them heavily from his

forces, he sent them out, favored by a land-breeze which had not reached

Drake's sails. But before they had gone far the "Golden Hind" felt the

welcome wind and was soon gliding through the water. With his small force

it was hopeless for the English captain to face the strongly armed

Spaniards, and his only hope for safety lay in flight.

The pursuit went on hour after hour, the Spaniards at times coming near

enough to reach the "Golden Hind" with their shots. As the wind varied in

strength, now the chase, now the pursuers, gained in speed. The Spanish

ships proved fair sailers and might in the end have overhauled the

Englishman but for a precaution the governor had neglected in his haste.

Expecting to capture the English ship in a short run, he had not thought

of provisioning his vessels, and as the chase went on their small food

supply gave out and the soldiers were nearly famished. In the end the

governor, who was on board, was reluctantly forced to order a return to


Yet he did not give up hope of capturing the English rovers. On reaching

Lima he sent out three more ships, this time fully provisioned. But Drake

and his men had won too good a start to be overtaken, and the new pursuers

never came within sight of him.

Homeward bound with an abundant treasure, the rovers pressed merrily on.

To return by the Straits of Magellan seemed too risky a venture with the

Spaniards keenly on the alert, and the adventurous Englishman decided to

sail north, expecting to be able to find a passage through the seas north

of the American continent. The icy and impassable character of these seas

was at that early date quite unknown.

Onward through the Spanish waters they went, taking new prizes and adding

to their store of treasure as they advanced. The coastwise towns were also

visited and booty obtained from them. At length the South American

continent was left behind and the "Golden Hind" was off the coast of

Central America. About mid April they left the shore and stood out to sea,

at last bound definitely for home.

Drake fancied that the Pacific coast stretched due northward to the limit

of the continent, where he hoped to find an easy passage back to the

Atlantic, but after more than five weeks of a north-westward course,

gradually verging to due north, he was surprised to see land again to his

right. At first taking it for a large island, he soon learned that he had

met the continent again and that America here stretched to the northwest.

He was off the coast of the country now called California, in a new region

which English eyes had never seen, though Spaniards had been there before.

The land seemed well peopled with Indians, very different in character and

degree of civilization from those of Peru. They were simple-minded

savages, but very friendly; fortunately so, since, as they lay in harbor,

the ship sprang a leak, and it became necessary to take measures to repair

the damage.

The ship was anchored in shallow water near the shore, her cargo and

provisions were landed and stored, and steps taken to make the necessary

repairs. While this was going on the mariners were visited by the savages

in large numbers, occasionally with what were thought to be signs of

hostility. But their friendliness never ceased, and when at length their

visitors, with whom they had established very amicable relations, were

ready to depart they manifested the greatest grief, moaning, wringing

their hands, and shedding tears.

The harbor of the "Golden Hind" was in or near what is now called the

Golden Gate, the entrance to the magnificent bay of San Francisco. On the

23d of July, 1579, the ship weighed anchor and sailed out of the harbor.

On the hill-side in the rear was gathered a large body of Indians, some of

them fantastically attired in skins and adorned with feathers, others

naked but for the painted designs which covered their bodies. They built

bonfires in all directions in token of farewell, and Drake and his

officers stood on deck, waving their hats to their new-made friends.

Slowly the hill with its fires of friendship disappeared from view, and

they were on the open ocean again.

From this point the ship sailed northward, skirting the coast. But the

farther they went the colder the weather became, until it grew so bleak

that it was deemed necessary to give up the hope of reaching home by the

northern route. Yet to return by the way they had come would be very

dangerous with their small force, as the Spaniards would probably be

keenly on the lookout for them. Only one course remained, which was to

follow the route taken by Magellan, sixty years before, across the vast

Pacific, through the islands of Asia, and around the Cape of Good Hope.

Drake had with him the narratives and copies of the charts of the first

circumnavigator of the globe, and it struck him that it would be a great

and glorious thing to take the "Golden Hind" around the earth, and win him

the credit of being the first Englishman to accomplish this wonderful


The prow of the "Golden Hind" was thereupon turned to the west. Quick and

prosperous was the voyage, the sea being almost free from storms, and

after sixty-eight days in which land had not been seen a green shore came

in view. It was the last day of September, 1579.

The voyagers had many interesting experiences in the eastern archipelago,

but no mishaps except that the ship grounded on a rocky shoal near one of

the islands. Fortunately there was no leak, and after throwing overboard

eight of their cannon, three tons of cloves they had gathered in their

voyage through the isles of spices, and many bags of meal, the "Golden

Hind" was got afloat again, none the worse for her dangerous misadventure.

Stocking their vessel once more with spices and sago at the island of

Booten, and meeting with a hospitable reception at the large island of

Java, they sailed to the south, doubling the stormy Cape of Good Hope

without mishap and entering the Atlantic again. Finally, on the 26th of

September, 1580, the "Golden Hind" dropped anchor in Plymouth harbor, from

which she had sailed nearly three years before, and with wealth enough to

make all on board rich.

Never had England been more full of joy and pride than when the news of

the wonderful voyage of the "Golden Hind" round the world was received and

its strange adventures told. Queen Elizabeth was glad to make a knight of

the bold sea-rover, changing his name from plain Francis Drake to Sir

Francis Drake, and the people looked on him as their greatest hero of the

sea. In our days acts like his would have been called piracy, for England

was not at war with Spain. But Drake was made a hero all the same, and in

the war that soon after began he did noble work in the great sea fight

with the Spanish Armada.

