A Great Christian Movement And Its Fate

The Chinese are a peculiar people, and have odd ideas of the power and

duty of their monarchs and of their own rights and duties. In their

country no son has the right to resist his father, even if he be treated

with tyrannical cruelty. But in regard to the emperor, though they look

upon him as the father of his people, they claim the right to depose him

and put him to death if he plays the tyrant. So long as he rules with
/> justice and wisdom both man and nature acknowledge his authority, but if

he violates the principles of justice and goodness the Chinaman claims

the right to rebel, while such evils of nature as pestilence and famine,

destructive storms and earthquakes, are held as proofs that Heaven is

withdrawing from the weak or wicked emperor the right to rule.

The history of the empire is full of instances of popular rebellions

against offending rulers, some quelled, others hurling the monarch from

his throne, and in this way most of the old dynasties ended and new ones

began. The course of events brought about such a state of affairs in the

nineteenth century. Though the Chinese have never been content with

their Manchu rulers, they submitted to them as long as they were just

and public-spirited. But in time this dynasty suffered the fate of all

others, weak emperors following the strong ones, and in the reign of the

incompetent Kea-king, who succeeded Keen Lung, rebellions broke out in a

dozen quarters, pirates ravaged the coast, and the disaffection extended

throughout the realm.

In 1820 this weak emperor died, and was succeeded by Taou-kwang, who

proved even less fit to rule than his father, devoting himself to the

pursuit of pleasure and leaving the empire to take care of itself. Soon

new rebels were in the field, whom the armies proved unable to put down,

and the disorganization of the empire made rapid progress. Even the

Meaou-tsze, or hill-tribes, the descendants of the first inhabitants of

the country, rose in arms and defeated an army of thirty thousand men.

War with the English added to the discontent, which grew greater until

1850, when the emperor died and his son Heen-fung ascended the throne.

This was going from bad to worse. The new emperor was still more selfish

and tyrannical than his father, and under the control of his craving for

sensual pleasures paid no heed to the popular cry for reform. The

discontent was now coming to a head. In the south broke out a revolt,

whose leaders proclaimed as emperor a youth said to be a descendant of

the Ming dynasty, who took the royal name of Teen-tih, or "Heavenly

Virtue." But he and his followers soon vanished before another and abler

aspirant to the throne, the first man with a genius for command who had

headed any of these rebel outbreaks.

The leader of this remarkable movement sprang from the lowest ranks of

the people, being the son of a peasant dwelling in a village near

Canton. Hung Sew-tseuen was a man of ardent imagination and religious

enthusiasm. Strange visions came to him, and held him captive for some

forty days, in which the visitors of his dreaming fancy urged him to

destroy the idols. Some years afterwards he read a Christian pamphlet

containing chapters from the Scriptures, and found it to correspond

closely with what he had seen and heard in his vision. Inspired by these

various influences, he felt himself divinely commissioned to restore his

country to the worship of the true God, and set out on a mission to

convert the people to his new faith.

Fung-Yun-san, one of his first converts, ardently joined him, and the

two traversed the country far and wide, preaching the religion of the

Christian God. Their success was great, their converts all giving up the

worship of Confucius and renouncing idolatry. Some of them were arrested

for destroying idols, among them Fung-Yun-san, but on the way to prison

he converted the soldiers of his guard, who set him free and followed

him as disciples. Many of the converts were seized with convulsions,

some professed to have the gift of healing, and the movement took on the

phase of strong religious ecstasy and enthusiasm.

It was in 1850 that this effort assumed a political character. A large

force of pirates had been driven by a British fleet from the sea, and on

shore they joined the bandits of the south, and became rebels against

the Manchu rule. Hung's converts were mostly among this people, who soon

took a strong stand against the misrule of the Tartars. The movement

grew rapidly. From all sides recruits came to the rebel ranks, among

them two women chiefs, each at the head of about two thousand men. Hung

now proclaimed himself as sent by Heaven to drive out the Tartars--whom

he declared to be examples of all that was base and vile--and to place a

Chinese emperor on his country's throne.

Putting his forces in march, Hung made a remarkable progress of about

one thousand miles to Woo-chang on the Yang-tse-Kiang and down that

stream, the army fighting its way through all opposition. When towns and

cities submitted their people were spared. Slaughter awaited those who

resisted. Food and clothing were obtained by requisition on the people.

The imperial troops were hurled back in defeat wherever met. Before

battle it was the custom of the insurgents to kneel down and invoke the

protection of God, after which they would charge their enemies with

resistless zeal. City after city fell before them, and the whole empire

regarded their march with surprise and dismay.

The converts professed faith in the Christian Scriptures, of which an

imperfect translation was distributed among them. Hung announced that in

case of success the Bible would be substituted for the works of

Confucius. The Sabbath was strictly observed among them, forms of prayer

to the Supreme Being were in constant use, and Englishmen who came among

them spoke in the highest terms of their pious devotion and their great

kindliness of feeling. They welcomed Europeans as "brethren from across

the sea" and as fellow-worshippers of "Yesu."

From Woo-chang Hung led his army in 1852 down the river towards Nanking,

which he had fixed upon as the capital of his new empire. The

disaffection of the people of Nanking was so great that little

resistance was made except by the Tartar garrison, who were all put to

death when the city fell. Being now in possession of the ancient capital

of the kingdom, Hung proclaimed himself emperor under the name of Teen

Wang, or "Heavenly King," giving to his dynasty the title of the


And now for a number of years victory followed every movement of the

Tai-ping army. Four leading cities of Central China were quickly

occupied, and a brilliant march to the north was begun, in which,

cutting loose from its base of supplies, the rebel host forced its way

through all obstacles. The army penetrated as far north as Tien-tsin,

and Peking itself was in imminent peril, being saved only by a severe

repulse of the rebel forces. The advance of the British and French upon

Peking aided the cause of the insurgents, and fear of them had much to

do with the prompt surrender of the city to the foreign invaders.

After the war the tide of the insurrection turned and its decline began,

mainly through the aid given by the English to the government forces.

Ignoring the fact that the movement was a Christian one, and might have

gone far towards establishing Christianity among the Chinese, and

friendly relations with foreign peoples, the English seemed mainly

governed by the circumstance that opium was prohibited by the Tai-ping

government at Nanking, the trade in this pernicious drug proving a far

stronger interest with them than the hopeful results from the missionary


Operations against the insurgents took place through the treaty ports,

and British and French troops aided the imperial forces. The British

cruisers treated the Tai-ping junks as pirates, because they captured

Chinese vessels, and the soldiers and sailors of Great Britain took part

in forty-three battles and massacres in which over four hundred thousand

of the Tai-pings were killed. More than two millions of them are said to

have died of starvation in the famine caused by the operations of the

Chinese, British, and French allies.

General Ward, an American, led a force of natives against them, but

their final overthrow was due to the famous Colonel Gordon, "Chinese

Gordon," as he was subsequently known. He was not long in organizing the

imperial troops, the "Ever-Victorious Army," into a powerful force, and

in taking the field against the rebels. From that day their fortunes

declined. City after city was taken from their garrisons, and in July,

1864, Nanking was invested with an immense army. Its fall ended the

hopes of the Tai-ping dynasty. For three days the slaughter continued in

its streets, while the new emperor avoided the sword of the foe by

suicide. Those who escaped fled to their former homes, where many of

them joined bands of banditti.

Thus came to a disastrous end, through the aid of foreign arms, the most

remarkable insurrectionary movement that China has ever known. What

would have been its result had the Chinese been left to themselves it is

not easy to say. The indications are strong that the Manchu dynasty

would have fallen and the Chinese regained their own again. And the

Christian faith and worship of the rebels, with their marked

friendliness to foreigners, might have worked a moral and political

revolution in the Chinese empire, and lifted that ancient land into a

far higher position than it occupies to-day. But the interests of the

opium trade were threatened, and before this all loftier considerations

had to give way.

