Vancouver Island

The largest island on the west coast of North

America. Named after Captain George Vancouver, who explored this coast

in the years 1792-1794. The island was first named Quadra and Vancouver

in honour of the two naval officers who met at Nootka in 1792 to carry

out the provisions of the Nootka Convention. The first authentic landing

on the coast of the island is that of Captain James Cook in 1787.

Captain James Hanna landed at Nootka in 1785; and Captain John Meares in

1788. From this time trading and exploring expeditions spent more or

less time at Nootka. In 1843 the Hudson's Bay Company made their first

establishment on the island, Fort Victoria, at first known as Camosun.

The island remained under the control of the Company until 1849, when it

became a crown colony. Representative government was introduced, 1856;

and in 1866 the island and mainland were united under one government.

