Soissons Charles De Bourbon Comte De 1565-1612 At The Urgent

solicitation of Champlain, who was in desperate need of a powerful

protector to shield the infant colony of New France from rival

intrigues, the Comte de Soissons was appointed by the king

lieutenant-general of the colony, with viceregal powers. Made Champlain

his lieutenant, with full control of the fur trade as well as of the

exploration and settlement of the colony. Unfortunately for Champlain,

his protector died shortly after the commission was issued. Succeeded as

viceroy by Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Conde. =Index=: (Samuel de Champlain era) Assumes

direction of colony, and makes Champlain his lieutenant, 73. =Bib.=:

Parkman, Pioneers of France.

