Quebec City

Founded by Champlain (q.v.), in 1608. Seventy-three

years earlier, Jacques Cartier had sailed up the great river, and landed

near the same spot, wintering in a creek not far from the native town of

Stadacone. Champlain, in 1608, built a rude fort, the Abitation de

Quebec, and a warehouse. There he and his men spent the winter, but

before succour arrived in the spring, most Of them died of scurvy. Had a

man of less cour
ge and resourcefulness been in Command, the infant

settlement of Quebec might have died a natural death. Champlain kept it

alive, and, though harassed by enemies, and neglected by the motherland,

the town grew steadily from the year of its birth. Quebec has passed

through five sieges, that of Kirke in 1629, that of Phipps, 1690, the

great siege of 1759, Levis's siege of 1760, and that of Montgomery and

Arnold, 1775-1776. =Index=: (General Brock era) The centre of society in Canada, 46;

defective state of fortifications, 75; defences of in early years of

nineteenth century, 89, 90, 94. (Lord Sydenham era) Charter of, reestablished, 255;

change in electoral limits of, 285; two members assigned to, 285. (Bishop Laval era)

Church erected at, 84; placed under patronage of Immaculate Conception

and St. Louis, 85; not less pious as a community than Montreal, 92;

conflagration at, 186; siege of, by expedition under Phipps, 229-231.

(George Brown Era) Brown's objection to, as seat of government, 70; gross election

frauds in 1857, 99; fortifications of, to be completed by England, 186.

(Lord Dorchester era) Carleton's report on fortifications of, 44; fortifications of,

improved by Cramahe, 117; attack by Montgomery and Arnold on, repulsed,

125-131; garrison of, greatly encouraged, 133; gayety in, during winter

of 1776-1777, 162; unreasonable demands of British inhabitants of, 252,

253. (Count Frontenac era) Foundations of, 7; capture of, by Kirke, 20; restored to

France, 23; population of city in 1666, 56; first ball given at, 59; sea

expedition planned against, by New Englanders, 268-277; defences

strengthened, 284; attack by squadron under Phipps, 285-300; defences

further strengthened, 326. (Lord Elgin era) Seat of government at, 78; Lord Elgin's

references to, in his farewell address, 205-206. (Wolfe / Montcalm era) In 1756,

description of, 15; Wolfe's plan for attacking, 76; fortifications

afforded no protection, 79; batteries at, 95; batteries of, have no

effect against enemy's works at Pointe Levis, 113; discouragement of

inhabitants, 113; general exodus from, 115; bombardment of, 115; thieves

pillage the houses, 122; pitiable condition of, 160; abandoned by the

enemy, the citizens call for capitulation, 224; garrison of,

disorganized, 230; capitulation of, 230-235; rejoicing in England over

fall of, 238; Vaudreuil maintains spies in, 243; sickness in British

garrison of, 243. (Samuel de Champlain era) Fortifications of, 157; slow progress of

settlement at, 167; terms of capitulation of, 190-192; keys of, handed

to Lewis Kirke, 195; English flag hoisted over, 196; names of families

remaining at, after surrender, 196; passes again under French rule, 224;

population in 1629, 208; destructive fire at, 1640, 241. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Boundaries

of, for political purposes changed by Sydenham, restored in 1842, 146;

aspires to honour of capital, 181; seat of government, 338. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Shares

with Toronto the honour of seat of government, for sixteen years, 39;

dispute over capital, 77; dissatisfaction of, over selection of Ottawa

as capital, 85; conference on Confederation meets at, in 1864, 104-105.

(Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Besieged by Wolfe, 25; news arrives of surrender of, 29; defended

by Murray, 34; Murray lieutenant-governor of, 41; roads to, 45, 46; uses

St. Maurice forges, 47; government of, 49; enlistment of

French-Canadians in, 55-56; Haldimand arrives at, 117; Indians brought

to, 152; fortifications of, strengthened, 183; prisons in, 187;

threatened by French fleet, 188; census of, taken, 190; old customs of,

192, 221-224; Riedesels at, 220, 300-304; education in, 233-235; food

supply of, 239; Nelson at, 244; rebel sympathizers in, 279; Du Calvet

in, 286, 287; Haldimand's life in, 298; Haldimand sails from, 310;

Haldimand Hill in, named after him, 346. =Bib.=: Doughty, Cradle of New

France; Le Moine, Historical Notes on Quebec; MacPherson,

Reminiscences of Old Quebec; Hawkins, Picture of Quebec; Douglas,

Old France in the New World; Le Moine, Quebec Past and Present;

Parker, Old Quebec.

