Morris James 1798-1865 Born In Scotland Came To Canada As A Child

with his parents; in business at Brockville with his brothers, William

and Alexander. Member for Leeds County in the Upper Canada Assembly,

1837; a commissioner for the improvement of navigation of the St.

Lawrence, 1838; and member of the United Canada Parliament, 1841. In

1844 appointed to the Legislative Council; in 1851 to the Executive

Council, and postmaster-general; in 1853-1854 Speaker of the Legislative

Assembly; in 1858 member of the Executive Council and Speaker of the

Legislative Council; in 1862-1863 receiver-general. =Index=: (Lord Elgin era)

Postmaster-general in Hincks-Morin ministry, 113; president of

Legislative Council in reconstructed government, 1853, 126. =Bib.=:

Morgan, Cel. Can.; Taylor, Brit. Am.; Dent, Last Forty Years.

