Meulles Chevalier Jacques De

Intendant of New France, 1682-1686. The

son of Francois Meulles, seignior of the forest of Montpensier, in

Poitou; held the office of grand bailiff, or magistrate, of Orleans,

before coming to Canada. Married a sister of Michel Begon, intendant of

Rochefort, and father of Michel Begon, afterwards intendant of New

France. =Index=: (Count Frontenac era) Intendant, opposed to popular representation, 69;

arrival of, 171; criticizes La Barre in despatches, 173, 174; on La

Barre's expedition against Senecas, 188; recalled, 207; visits Acadia,

and makes census, 271. (Bishop Laval era) Succeeds Duchesneau as intendant, 68;

incapable and conceited, 186; the king's instructions to, 186, =Bib.=:

Roy, Intendants de la Nouvelle-France (R. S. C., 1903); Parkman,


