Index : George Brown Era Member Of Brief Brown Ministry 102 On Committee Of

Anti-Slavery Society, 112; speech on Confederation, 1859, 135; George

Brown's letter to, on his contemplated retirement from the leadership,

141; opposes proposal that opposition members should enter government,

to further Confederation movement, 157; enters coalition government,

158; reelected, 160; favours elective Senate, 164; his successful fight

for provincial rights, 207. (Sir John A Macdonald era) Enters Macdonald's office as a student,

6; succeeds Edward Blake as premier of Ontario, and leader of Liberal

party, 252; his characteristics, 252; takes prominent part in Ontario

boundary dispute, 252-258. (Tilley era) Enters coalition ministry, 69; attends

Quebec Conference, 76. =Bib.=: Dent, Can. Por. and Last Forty Years;

Morgan, Can. Men; Biggar, Sir Oliver Mowat; Clarke, Sixty Years in

Upper Canada.

