
Newspaper published at Toronto; established, 1844. =Index=: (George Brown Era)

Advocates responsible government, ix; its establishment, 9, 10; on

elections in Upper Canada in 1844, 25; criticism of Draper, 27; on

Toryism, 32; supports Elgin's attitude towards the Rebellion Losses

Bill, 36; attacks the Clear Grits, 40, 41; upholds British system of

responsible government, as superior to the American system, 42; gives

dit to French-Canadians for supporting Reform cause, 43; attitude

towards Roman Catholic questions, 44-46, 48; advocates secularization of

Clergy Reserves, 55; on free schools, 62; first issued as a daily, Oct.

1, 1853; its earlier history, absorbs North American and Examiner,

1855, 74; its policy, 75; on the Quebec Rouges, 78-79; contains appeal

on behalf of fugitive slaves, 112; and the "no popery" agitation, 121,

123; advocates uniform legislation for Upper and Lower Canada, 130;

assails Separate School Bill, 145; Brown's pride in, 150, 247; effect of

Brown's position in Macdonald ministry, 209; contains R. B. Sullivan's

address on North-West Territories, 211; Brown's article on North-West,

1852, 213; letters of "Huron" on North-West, 215-216; advocates union of

North-West with Canada, 217, 218; attacks Canada First party, 236, 237,

238, 239, 241; Peter Brown writes for, 243; edited by Gordon Brown, 244,

245; reveals George Brown's views, 248, 249; its support of Wilson, 250;

attacks Mr. Justice Wilson, 250, 252, 253; the office of publication,

255; shooting of George Brown, 255-258. (Lord Elgin era) Hostile at first to Clear

Grits, 111; edited by George Brown, 111. (Baldwin / La Fontaine / Hincks era) Established by George

Brown, Mar. 5, 1844, 223-224; its fighting policy, 224; attacks

Metcalfe, 225; denounces the Grits, 342; outcry against Roman

Catholicism, 343. (William Lyon Mackenzie era) Justifies the Rebellion of 1837, 13; on

Mackenzie's expulsions, 254; on Mackenzie's retirement from public life,

498; Mackenzie's obituary, 511; on Mackenzie's personality, 523. (Sir John A Macdonald era)

Founded by George Brown with his father, 52; on the Redistribution Bill,

275; on the elections of 1887, 282-283; supports commercial union, 295.

