Fur Trade

(Count Frontenac era) Burdensome restrictions on, 38, 154. (Samuel de Champlain era) Short history

of, 119 et seq. (Lord Elgin era) Under the French regime, 183. (Lord Dorchester era) Complicated

questions in connection with, 57. (Sir Frederick Haldimand era) Importance attached by Haldimand

to, 260-261. (John Graves Simcoe era) In Upper Canada, 105-107. (Sir James Douglas era) Maintained supremacy of

British flag in far West, 37; of the Russia
s, stimulates adventure and

exploration, 38; forerunner of civilization, 49. (Mackenzie / Selkirk / Simpson era) Growth of, under

North West Company, 7; coureurs de bois and mangeurs de lard, 14,

168; traders were men of intelligence and intellectual tastes, 27;

bois-brules, 167; predominance of Scottish element, 219; mariage du

pays, 263; Canada's debt to, 281-290; names of famous fur-traders given

to Canadian rivers, lakes, and towns, 282; fur-trader as pioneer of

settlement, 283-284; character of the traders, 288-289; stood for law

and order, 289. See also Hudson's Bay Company; North West Company; X Y

Company; Pacific Fur Company; Company of New France, etc. =Bib.=:

Mackenzie, History of the Fur Trade in his Voyages; Masson,

Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest; Biggar, Early Trading

Companies of New France; Parkman, Works; Henry, Travels and

Adventures; Henry-Thompson Journals, ed. by Coues; Harmon, Journal;

Franchere, Narrative; Larpenteur, Forty Years a Fur Trader;

Chittenden, History of the American Fur-Trade; Laut, Conquest of the

Great North-West; Bryce, Hudson's Bay Company; Willson, The Great

Company; Burpee, Search for the Western Sea; Begg, History of the


